2月10日,中(zhōng)國日報全英文刊發《Firms reaping benefits of SOE reform initiative》文章,報道太重紮實推進國企改革三年行動,探索科技創新體(tǐ)系和高端裝備制造産業深度融合的發展新路,營造了良好的創新生(shēng)态,夯實了公司轉型發展的堅實根基。
An intelligent manufacturing facility of Taiyuan Heavy Industry Group.
In Taiyuan Heavy Industry Group, the company has established a technological center for product development and design.
"In 2022, the technological center launched 319 new designs for products," said Li Ruibin, a researcher at the center. "We also developed a number of innovative solutions that year, including the 5G remote operational system for excavators and the 'push-button' coking technique."